+91 40 2414 1177pmidsrc@gmail.com

patients care


Panineeya Institute of Dental sciences and research center, is located in the midst of city of pearls “Hyderabad”. Established in the year 2003, the Institution has been serving the people of Hyderabad since the past 16 years with utmost satisfaction of the patients to cater their Dental needs. The institute is a brain child of SRI. TAVINDER SINGH KOHLI and under the vision of Vice Chairman MR. GAGANDEEP SINGH KOHLI, the Institute has grown leaps and bounds, to provide world class dental treatment to patients of all backgrounds under a single roof.

The Institute was established to provide the best Dental Treatment in the city and also to impart quality Dental education at under-graduate and post-graduate levels. The vision and mission of PMVIDS has always been to impart theoretical and practical knowledge to the students in the field of dentistry adhering to its ethos of quality education and ethical practice of highest standards.

Maintaining the motto of “Better oral health = Better quality of life” the institute has been successful in educating and motivating patients of different backgrounds to erase misconceptions and myths about dentistry such as presumed costs, sociocultural myths and lack of accessibility through various public oral health awareness program’s. Under the able leadership of our Principal

Dr. P. Karunakar, our Institute has been transformed into one of the best Dental college in the state with a daily patient input of over 600 which is increasing steadily. To bolster such a huge patient input, the college is equipped with over 300 dental chairs and state of the art sophisticated equipment’s.

 Services offered

Out patient services:

These services are offered for people who visit the hospital for diagnosis and treatment planning but do not require to be admitted for the treatment procedures. All Out patients are required to be registered at the patient registration desk and later directed to one of the Comprehensive clinics .Patient registration desk functions between 9.00 AM to 3.30 PM.The out patient services offered are :

  • Fillings (Restorative)
  • Tooth Removal (extractions)
  • Cleaning of teeth and Gums (Scaling and Root planing)
  • Crowns, Bridges & Implants
  • Root Canal Treatments (Endodontics)
  • Braces (Orthodontics)
  • Dental Treatment for Children (Pedodontics)
  • Forensic Age estimation (Forensic Odontology)

In patient Services:

Our In patient service has an Operation theatre and an attached intensive care unit for the patients whose condition requires admission and regular monitoring to hospital for treatment. Various In patient services include

  • Maxillofacial trauma( fracture of Jaws)
  • Corrective jaw surgery ( orthognathic surgery )
  • Cosmetic facial surgery
  • Cleft lip/Cleft palate surgery
  • Head and Neck Cancer

X Ray Services:

Various X ray imaging facilities are available for diagnosis and treatment planning

  • Single/two teeth X-rays (IOPA)
  • Full mouth X-ray (OPG)
  • Big Picture X rays(Occlusal view)
  • Side of head X ray ( Lateral Cephalogram)
  • PA view
  • TMJ Imaging
  • Digital X rays Digital X rays

Laboratory Services:

Various Clinical Laboratory test facilities are provided to aid in diagnosis and treatment planning.

  • Sugar test
  • Complete blood picture
  • Specimen culture
  • Histopathological evaluation

 Infrastructure & Facilities:


Patients requiring advanced services are referred to the specialty clinics.There are around eight specialty clinics, in which treatments are performed by our post graduates.

Oral medicine and radiology (comprehensive screening and X ray)

This specialty is concerned with the management and treatment of various oral mucous diseases, TMJ diseases, salivary gland disorders and potentially cancerous disorders of the oral cavity.

This clinic is equipped with advanced 3D X ray imaging machine such as OPG and various other skull views to improve the diagnostic ability of clinicians by offering three dimensional images of the concerned jaw bones.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery (tooth removal and surgery)

This speciality clinic is concerned with simple removal of teeth, surgical removal of wisdom teeth, various minor oral surgical procedures, and provides IN PATIENT services for treatment of broken jaws, TMJ surgery, cosmetic surgery, cleft lip and palate surgeries and 24 hours emergency services.

Conservative dentistry and endodontics( filling and root canal treatment)

In this speciality clinic, various specialized fillings for decayed teeth, complex root canal treatments under microscope, management of broken teeth (fracture), smile designing, teeth whitening are done.

The clinic is equipped with dental operating microscopes that greatly enhances clinician’s ability to view the tiniest details in the patient’s tooth. Advanced equipment such as rotary endomotor is also available.

Pedodontics ( Children’s dental care)

All oral health problems in children below 18 years of age are managed in this clinic.

Various treatments for decay (cavities), cleaning, root canal for both milk teeth and permanent teeth are done.

Orthodontics (Braces treatment)

Orthodontics is a speciality that deals with correction of crooked, irregularly placed teeth along with jaws.

It is equipped with digital scanners and computerized Ceph analysis that helps in precise diagnosis and treatment planning.

Periodontics(Gum treatment)

This speciality clinic is concerned with teeth cleaning, gum surgeries to improve overall gum health using advanced surgical procedures (Electrocautery, Cryosurgery, LASERS, Microsurgeries).

Prosthodontics( tooth replacement/bridge)

This clinic is concerned with all types of tooth and prosthetic replacements such as Fixed teeth (Bridge), Removable teeth set (Complete and partial denture sets). We also have attached dental laboratory that uses advanced materials like ZIRCONIA and PORCELAIN for fabrication of artificial teeth.

This speciality also provides Advanced prosthetic services such as Artificial eye prosthesis, finger prosthesis, cleft palate obturators, post cancer obturators.

Implantology(Bone Screw Fixed teeth)

This speciality Is concerned with Replacement of missing teeth using Fixed bone screws (IMPLANTS).

This clinic is equipped with Advanced surgical implant kits, piezoelectrical surgical unit.

Satellite Clinic:

A satellite dental clinic was started in Autonagar in association with Lions Club to provide basic dental treatments such as scaling, fillings and extractions for lorry/bus drivers and other economically weaker patients, free of cost.

 Infrastructure & Facilities:

RIGHTS of Patient at PIDS:

  • A patient has the right to be treated with courtesy and respect, with appreciation of his or her individual dignity, and with protection of his or her need for privacy.
  • A patient has the right to a prompt and reasonable response to questions and requests.
  • A patient has the right to know who is providing Dental services and who is responsible for his or her care.
  • A patient has the right to know what patient support services are available.
  • A patient has the right to know what rules and regulations apply to his or her conduct.
  • A patient has the right to be given by the health care provider information concerning diagnosis, planned course of treatment, alternatives, risks, and prognosis.
  • A patient has the right to refuse any treatment
  • A patient has the right to be given, upon request, full information, and necessary counseling on the availability of known financial resources for his or her care.
  • A patient has the right to receive a copy of a reasonably clear and understandable, itemized bill and, upon request, to have the charges explained.
  • A patient has the right to treatment for any emergency Dental condition that will deteriorate from failure to provide treatment.
  • A patient has the right to express grievances regarding any violation of his or her rights.


  • A patient is responsible for providing to the healthcare provider, to the best of his or her knowledge,
    accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations,
    medications, and other matters relating to his or her health.
  • A patient is responsible for reporting unexpected changes in his or her condition to the healthcare
  • A patient is responsible for reporting to the health care provider whether he or she comprehends a
    contemplated course of action and what is expected of him or her.
  • A patient is responsible for following the treatment plan recommended by the healthcare provider.
  • A patient is responsible for keeping appointments and, when he or she is unable to do so for any
    reason, for notifying the healthcare provider or health care facility.
  • A patient is responsible for his or her actions if he or she refuses treatment or does not follow the
    health care provider’s instructions.
  • A patient is responsible for assuring that the financial obligations of his or her healthcare are fulfilled as
    promptly as possible.
  • A patient is responsible for following healthcare facility rules and regulations affecting patient care and

 Digital Patient Records

software that is developed by the Panineeya dental college & hospital to manage and store patient medical information that helps in diagnosis and treatment planning. Apart from medical and dental histories, pre and post operative images, radio-graphs and treatments rendered to any patient at every time point can be retrieved, compared and assessed. All payments are accounted with detailed invoice.

 Patient Education Cell

Patient Education, in general is the process by which Health Professionals and others impart information to
patients and their Caregivers that will alter their Health Behaviors or improve their Health Status. Panineeya Dental College puts special emphasis on educating patients about Oral Health status, comprehensive treatment plan, tentative time duration for the treatment, cost estimates, other treatment alternatives, prognosis, and prevention strategies. Any queries will also be answered in the process to prevent denial of treatment due to various myths, misconceptions about time, cost and lack of awareness on possible risks etc.

 Tobacco cessation cell:

According to the most recent Government of India’s National Sample Survey data, there are 184 million tobacco consumers in India. In India, tobacco consumption is responsible for half of all the cancers in men and a quarter of all cancers in women, in addition to being a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. India also has one of the highest rates of oral cancer in the world, partly attributed to high prevalence of tobacco chewing. Forms of tobacco chewing include pan(piper betel leaf filled with sliced areca nut, lime, catechu, and other spices chewed with or without tobacco), pan-masala or gutkha (a chewable tobacco containing areca nut), and mishri (a powdered tobacco rubbed on the gums as toothpaste). Educating patients about the complications of smoking on oral health is part of smoking cessation program at PIDS.


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